The department of Mechanical engineering groom future engineers who can design and produce the tools, machines and all other mechanical equipment for various applications. Mechanical engineering branch deals with all types of machinery in design, development, construction, production, installation and design industry. Mechanical Engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing and maintainance of mechanical systems. Mechanical Engineering provides a solid foundation for professional engineering practice.It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines.
We at Trinity, produce engineers who will in future, become driving force behind many of our technologies and industrial processes including innovative products. We create the engineers who can work in extremely challenging environment with the ability to work as integrated team. We develop the students’ ability to apply scientific principles in the design and analysis of mechanical and energy conversion systems. Our efforts are focused to educate the students for facing the challenges in design, manufacturing /fabrication processes that are encountered in most of the industries /establishments thereby providing opportunities for innovations & creativity in solving real-world problems.
In addition to the basic engineering sciences, the programme in mechanical engineering lays emphasis on the analysis and synthesis involved in the design, manufacture and operation of prime movers, pumps, compressors, machine tools, mass production technique. Course content covers the vital areas like Design, operation, maintenance of machine, machine tools, mechanisms, manufacturing processes, production technology, internal combustion engines(ICE), turbo machinery, heat transfer, air conditioning & Automobile Engineering which are some of the key ingredients of Mechanical Engineering course.
Prof. K.C. Bharil
Department of Mechanical Engineering is Fast Growing department with increased intake in B.E. M.Tech. Diploma. Department is trying to provide Technically Strong Environment with Well Equipped Laboratories. Our Prime target is to provide Sound Technical Knowledge with healthy moral Values. We are working towards the technical excellence with the help of the dedicated faculty. Faculty members are spending time with students to groom their hidden technical ability for Public Sector Examinations. We are providing them Guidance on the regular basic about the nuts and bolts of the Examination. Our prime concern is to make subject more practical oriented and motivate to the student to spend more time in laboratories. To full-fill this target we have started the concept of Departmental Project .Under which two expert faculty members are doing projects on live problems. We have undertaken a Project “Reduction of the Exhaust Emission.
Students of 2nd year and 3rd year are participating with full enthusiasm as well as learning latest technologies used by different Automobile Manufacturer. This creates a sense how we can increase interest in Project based Study. We want to make study more project oriented with the inclusion of the live projects. This will help the students to use their theoretical knowledge in practical world with some kind of modifications. We are continuously working towards the excellence in the field of Engineering .Our Prime concern is to mould the students in such a manner that they can be fit in any role require by the fast moving Technical market.